Thursday 1 July 2010

Album Cover Analasis

The album cover that I have chosen to analyse is Eminem's Recovery.

This is what it looks like:

A) How does it build the artist's image?
- I think that this album cover perfectly represents the artist's image. The artist, Eminem, is known to be having a lot of problems. He took time out from being a famous rap artist to sort his own life out. During this period he made himself separate from the world. Completely isolating himself. In the picture on the album cover it shows the world as we know it but he's not part of it. He's separated by the glass box that's he's in. This shows us what he's feeling and what he's actually like.

B) How is it appropriate to the genre of music?
C) Is the image sybolic of the artist/album?
D) What Icon's/Logo's do they have on and why?

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